Village Commissioners serve staggered, three-year terms. Elections are held on a yearly basis if there are more incumbents than seats available. Electors wishing to run for office must complete a nomination form and submit it to the Clerk Treasurer/CAO during the nomination period. Election Day is the fourth Wednesday in June.
2025 Election Schedule:
(a) No person shall be eligible for election to the office of Commissioner unless that person is an elector and has been nominated by not less than five (5) electors; is a Canadian citizen by birth or naturalization; and who has reached the age of nineteen (19) years.
(b) All nominations shall be submitted using the prescribed form and shall be filed at the Village office on a business day during the nomination period between the hours of eight thirty (8:30) o’clock in the forenoon and four thirty (4:30) o’clock in the afternoon.
(c) The returning officer shall publicly advertise in the Village, a notice of the time, date, and place for the nomination of candidates at least two (2) weeks prior to the nomination period.
(d) No nomination shall be valid or accepted unless it has been completed and signed by the candidate. Only the names of those persons duly nominated shall appear on the ballots as candidates for election.
(e) Where no more than the number of candidates authorized to be elected are officially nominated no poll is granted.
(f) Before four o’clock in the afternoon of the first business day after nomination day, a candidate may appear in person or by official agent before the returning officer and file a declaration signed by either of them that they withdraw as a candidate, whereupon they shall be deemed not to have been nominated.
(g) If a candidate dies before the close of nominations on nomination day, they shall be deemed not to have been officially nominated.
Results from Poll 1A, advanced polling:
Results from Poll 2A, election day:
Final Election Results:
Congratulations to Dave Chaulk and Quentin Hill on re-election. A great campaign run by Christina Sappington. We thank all candidates for their efforts over the past few weeks!